May 18, 2008


By the Grace of God and special favors from the doctors, we were allowed to come home this week! After Garrett's biopsy, they surprised us by letting us come home a few days ago. The doctors have been very understanding, realizing the stress on the family being away from home. They are so pleased with Garrett's progress, that they decided to let us sleep under our own roof. Since the roads are good now, we can commute to the hospital from here. They also said they are doing this because we have been through it before and they don't have to "train" us about what to look for or do if Garrett has sudden problems. The rules of the game stay the same, in that we have to be back to Denver frequently for blood work and a complete check ups. In those cases, we will just stay in a hotel overnight to be at the hospital 1st thing the next morning and spend the day there. Most likely it will be 2-3 times a week.

I cannot express the overwhelming feelings we have all experienced in the past few days. Listening to the kids laugh and yelp as they play with their new barn kittens and just run around the yard. I can tell you that beautiful sound has brought moisture to this old cowboy's eyes. It has been though, and a little challenging to convince Garrett that just because he's home, doesn't mean he can do everything and go anywhere. He still cannot be around crowds of people or anyone with even a cold. But just being able to sleep in our own home is amazing! The Little Warrior is charging forward with his family in tow. We never imagined they would let us come home so early, but it is yet another testimony to the power of prayer and the answer being "YES". Momma's a little nervous, but I know this move is a very good sign.

Now we'll just try to remember what it was like to be here. Lotsa cobwebs, dirty pens and dead grass to clean up. Never had so much fun cleaning up the place. As spring brings new life to our part of the planet, we get to have a new beginning with it. And it is that much sweeter because of all of your support and love. Thank you!'

Ain't God great?!

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