Apr 22, 2008

April 21, 2008

Hi Everyone!Garrett is getting stronger and finally beat 'em at the clinic. He gained a pound!! His blood work is all over the map right now, but it's to be expected because they are changing and weaning him off of many of the medications he had to be on initially. There are no cause for concerns, and he actually looks better than he has yet!We spent some time with my brother and his wife on Saturday. It was like being released, almost. The sunshine and fellowship did more for our spirits than we can express. Great Stuff!A down side to the week was learning that very special friends of ours lost a friend in a tragic work accident. Our hearts and prayers are with them, and I ask you to think of them when you pray, as well. Another friend just learned of a co-worker diagnosed with lung cancer. She is also in need of God's intervention.We don't have to look around much to find someone with a tougher life than ours. We struggle at times with yearning for home and "normal", but praise God every day that we continue to win this fight. There are many around us who are losing.Our little friend "KJ" has been through another round of chemo last week. Garrett and Jessi were concerned to tears because it makes her so very sick. The kids have really been great for each other. The interaction with other kids with issues has been quite a learning experience.Physically, Garrett is doing really well. Emotionally, he is still struggling at times. It's all understandable, though. He just wants to be, as he puts it, "a normal boy" again. I still haven't found the answers to all of his questions. I pray every day for grace and strength to help Garrett, Jessi and Kathy work through their fears. As I was putting this 'blog' site together, I prayed fervently that God will continue to help me find the words to bring Garrett's story to you in a positive light. It is positive, even with the bumps and boggs, because we are living out God's perfect plan....or at least trying to. I hope He looks down favorably as we try to humble ourselves to His gifts and yours, to live with a sense of purpose and discipline and drive on toward the ultimate prize.Until next time, my prayer for you all is that you can feel how your intentions comfort us when we need it most.God Bless you all,

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