Apr 15, 2008

March 29, 2008

Garrett’s had a couple of really good days, praise God! His energy level is up and his appetite is back again. Hopefully Monday will bring great news of positive changes in his bloodwork. We also moved again a couple of days ago, this time to a 3rd floor corner room. We now have two windows at the southwest corner of the building. More sunlight means better attitudes for all, and an extra biscuit on the plate is the windowed sitting area just outside the room. This makes a great place for the kids to study, read or just hang out. I promise you though, this is the last move we make for a while. This is the 8th place I’ve laid my head in the past month. I'm starting to feel like we’re in a witness protection program.Visits from exceptional friends and family have brought a few much needed interruptions and the kids got some cool gifts. Because spring break in the area and the temporary released thousands of local curtain climbers, we limited any “field trips” this week and there are only so many new discoveries to be found in the Ronald McDonald house. So these visits were times perfectly.

As an aside, I sometimes find myself with some reservations when I begin to type another update about Garrett and our lives right now. So many of you have been incredibly kind, generous and spiritually uplifting for us. The genuine concern and interest in how the journey continues is almost surreal, and we want to share the story and the miracles surrounding this fantastic experience. But if I seem as guarded at times, I am just trying to find a balance with what everyone should know while still protecting the privacy of my family.

What we have, with our challenges, is special. It is what it is, and there is nothing you or we can do to change that, except to pray that God will continue to shine on this special boy and use him and us to promote His perfect plan. We want the kids to know that all of these gifts… the sacrifice, the joys, the fears and exhilaration, are all part of seeking a closer and more personal relationship with Christ. We have been given much, and we want to honor Him by the way we handle each day, though I at least, fall short. Thanks for your understanding, and all that you do to help us each step of the way.

God Bless each of you.


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