Apr 15, 2008

March 15, 2008

Hey everyone. Thought we’d drop a quick note of update on “Dinger”. Last couple of days have been good, although I’d be lying if I said we love hibernating in a small hotel room. We do go out for walks and Garrett is getting stronger all the time. He had a really neat experience the other day, when he got to meet Dave Veres, a pitcher with the Rockies. Dave was very down to earth and helped Garrett appreciate his situation because Dave is on injured reserve right now.

The days all seem to run together. Kathy and I were discussing this morning how we were surprised that “so and so” hasn’t contacted us. Later, as I was going through old emails to help document the timeline of all of this, I found an email from that person the day after Garrett received his new heart. More surprising was the fact that I had written a fairly lengthy response. What little goo I have working between my ears seems to have gelled too much.

Garrett had kind of a tough night Friday. It might be because he had a full day, but he was pretty uncomfortable again, and had nightmares throughout the night. We don’t know exactly what he is dreaming about, and he doesn’t remember. All I know is that the dreams are disturbing and he wakes up whimpering. I don’t think he really fell asleep until after 0430.

Today he is feeling pretty good. We woke to a gentle fog, an inch of snow and absolute quiet. It was beautiful. We’re kicking out the girls to go be girls for a day. Jessi wants to go to the Colorado Horse Expo for a few hours and Garrett and I are going to hang, go for a walk and just enjoy man stuff.

I recently heard that the most precious word in our vocabulary is “truth”. Not “love”, as some might expect. I tend to agree, because true love cannot exist without “truth”. Jesus told us “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Everything that happens to us is ‘truth’. How we tend to recall that, may challenge the value of the information. Leave it to adults to screw up such a great word by putting in our own interpretation of the facts. But when you look into the eyes of a scared child, you see genuine ‘truth’. When the heart of that child loves, you feel the pure ‘truth’. When you realize it all comes from Him, it sure makes you willing to fight any fight to protect it.

Stay safe and stay in touch.

God Bless you all……..


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