Apr 15, 2008

March 5, 2008

Today was another big step, or should I say "steps" for our Cowboy. The removed Garrett's chest tubes and most of his IV lines. That was tough on him, but by the end of the day he was feeling a great amount of relief not having garden hoses running through his body.Garrett walked a total of 5 laps today around the nurses stations. With each step, he seems more determined to get out of here. They also started his new anti-rejection regimen, which unfortunately will run his immune system down severely for several months, but is necessary.He was extremely wiped out tonight and readily fell asleep. As we said our night prayers, he concentrated his prayers for his donor, for Megan (his previous heart) and for his cousin who is fighting cancer and has been a tremendous source of strength to Garrett. He wanted to listen to his new heart before he went to sleep, because he is still a little scared he might be called home. When I put the stethoscope to his ears, he quietly listened for some time, then gave me a little smile. I think it helped him to understand how powerful his new heart really is, and he then went right to sleep.We remain cautiously optimistic about our future, and our little "Dinger" gets stronger each day. It's hard to believe that we're only a few days out from transplant and he's already walking and trying to play his x-box baseball game on the hospital game box.There are many of you who have tried to call, or have left messages at one time or another. Please do not be offended if we don't get back to you right away. The days are quite full right now with therapy, doctor visits and general tending to Garrett's needs. We really appreciate every thought and prayer, more than can be explained. Our support system is outstanding.As you think of Garrett tomorrow, please ask our precious Lord to help his little lungs open up more. They are still a source of some issue right now, being about half collapsed. This is why we have to push him so hard to walk and do his breathing therapy frequently.I'm going to try and relax a little now since he is sleeping, so I'll sign off.

May God continue to keep and bless all of you.

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